Celebrity Mousse

Thursday 22 March 2018

Keith Lemon fires an arsenal of North Korean weaponry at Gino D'Acampo and Chris Ramsey with hilarious results

Stadium Confetti Blasters - Get The Party Started

Monday 12 February 2018

Watch our Stadium Confetti Blasters deliver a phenomenal confetti storm at The ICC, Birmingham

Bootleg Beatles Celebrate 10th Anniversary of Echo Arena

Monday 15 January 2018

Our Turbo Confetti Blasters go down a storm at Sgt Pepper spectacular

UKs Largest Parcel Hub Opens

Friday 18 August 2017

Hermes Super Hub in Rugby was officially opened yesterday as heads of business from across the UK's largest retailers joined company CEO.

RHS @ Chatsworth

Wednesday 7 June 2017

The Duke Of Devonshire had his finger on the button to provide the shots of confetti.

Wedding confetti on a grand scale

Tuesday 30 May 2017

Alexa Chung launched her debut collection at The Danish Church of St Katherine, overlooking Regents Park.

Confetti Cannons at O2 Brixton

Friday 17 March 2017

Lower Than Atlantis have a blast with confetti

Happy New Year World!

Friday 6 January 2017

LNYDP 2017 debut for Hurricane Confetti Launchers

Streamers’ a hit at The Francis Crick

Wednesday 9 November 2016

The Queen opens The Francis Crick Institute - Europe's biggest biomedical lab

The city’s alive with magic!

Sunday 18 September 2016

Cardiff celebrates Roald Dahl’s 100th Birthday with ‘The City Of The Unexpected’

To WOW, thrill, dazzle and excite at your next event,
just add a touch of Confetti Magic...

bringing live events alive!

No matter what your needs we are sure that here at Confetti Magic we already have it covered.
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