The NFL are back in town...
Thursday 5 November 2015
And The Party Patrol are back in action!
Call 01727 220386 for Confetti at your event
Thursday 29 October 2015
The UK Home of the T-shirt Gun for rental, supply, advice and news.
Monday 19 October 2015
Sparks fly as Gordon 'Flash' Shedden takes to the winner's podium
Tuesday 4 August 2015
Let It Snow! Snow machines and glitter confetti cannons to Wow, Entertain and Surprise your guests!
Friday 24 July 2015
Clean, safe, fun in the sun. Foam Cannons add to the excitement at Gateway Academy WOWbiza Party.
Thursday 23 July 2015
New 100% Water Soluble Confetti simply washes away leaving no trace
Thursday 25 June 2015
Flower petals rain down at Boots Insneezia activation
Tuesday 17 February 2015
Custom printed confetti, custom cut confetti, printed both sides, full colour - the answer is yes, BUT…
Wednesday 2 October 2013
When the Bullring wanted a spectacular shot of confetti to fill the venue, they called in Confetti Magic...
No matter what your needs we are sure that here at Confetti Magic we already have it covered.
Call NOW on 01727 220386 or complete the form below to find out more.